HP Software License Update.

From: J. David Bryan <jdbryan_at_acm.org>
Date: Sun Jul 11 14:36:12 2004

On 8 Jul 2004 at 20:47, Mike Gemeny wrote:

> We would also like to ask if anyone knows the date of release of the
> last version of HP1000 RTE and also if anyone may know the date of the
> End-Of-Life of the HP1000 product line.

I have appended a "Software Products History" file that I downloaded from
HP's site abort six years ago. It's dated January 1997.

> Some people at HP are considering a recomendation for a license to
> software that is older than some age, and/or products that were at
> end-of-life more than some number of years ago.

As the following shows, RTE-III is the oldest version listed. I presume
that everything before that (RTE-B, RTE-II, etc.) had fallen off of the
list some time prior.

Given that HP has made RTE-6/VM freely available via Interex, I cannot
think of an objection to making earlier RTEs available. Personally, I
would like to see:

 * RTE-II for those with HP 2100s or 21MXes without DMS or large memories.

 * RTE-IVB for those with M-series 21MXes or those with E-/F-series without
   the VMA/OS firmware.

 * RTE-6/VM for those with E-/F-series with VMA firmware.

RTE-III and RTE-IV(A) are interesting historical footnotes but don't offer
anything over RTE-IVB, as far as I know. Also, adding the IMAGE, BASIC,
FORTRAN, Ada (!), and Pascal products would greatly add to the utility and
interest of the systems.

RTE-IVB and RTE-6/VM both require operational RTE systems ("grandfathers")
in order to generate and install systems, so providing just the system
binary files as the Interex contribution does will not allow one to install
the system on a "virgin" machine. To be useful, such contributions would
also have to include grandfather system images to allow off-line

Given that RTEs -II through -6/VM will not run on A-series hardware (and,
conversely, RTE-A will not run on M/E/F-series systems), the fact that the
A-series systems are still within support life shouldn't have any effect on
the release of earlier software, I should think.

                                         -- Dave

----- Begin included file -----

                       SOFTWARE PRODUCT HISTORY

------- ----------------------------- ------------- -----
12790A Multipoint F/W - 9/99
12824A VIS IVB 12/99
12829A VIS MEF/6 12/99
13306A FFP F/W E 11/89
13306B FFP/DMI Group - 9/99
13307A DMI F/W E-Series E 6/94
13307B DMI F/W E-Series E 9/99
24396A Paper Tape EF 6/89
24396B 2.5 MByte Disk Cartridge EF 6/89
24396C 10 MByte Disk Cartridge EF 11/92
24396D 7970B Mag Tape 800 EF 11/92
24396E 7970E Mag Tape 1600 EF 9/99
24396F 264x Minicartridge EF 11/92
24396H CS-80 CTD EF 9/99
24397A L-Series Diags. L 4/90
24398A Peripheral Diagnostics L 4/90
24398B Peripheral Diagnostics A 1/93 (put into 24612B)
24600A Diag. Pack. - Intell. Comm. I/F L 10/86
24601A Measurement & Control Diags L 11/84
24612A Offline Diagnostics L,A 1/93 (put into 24612B)
24612B Offline Diagnostics A active
91745A DATASAFE/1000 6/VM 01/91
91747A DATASHARE/1000 6/VM 01/91
91750A DS/1000-IV A,6/VM active
91751A X.25/1000 A,6/VM active
91790A NS-ARPA/1000 A active
91781A RJE/1000-II Remote Job Entry A,6/VM 02/2001
91782A MRJE/1000 A,MEF 10/95
91784A PMF/1000 A,MEF 10/95
92049B A990 Microprogramming Package A990 6/98
92050A Datapair/1000 A active
92060A RTE-III M/2,3,4,4B 11/83
92060B RTE-III Soft Pack - 11/83
92061A RTE Microprogramming for MEF MEF/2,3,4,4B 8/2000
92062A RTE Data Process MEF 10/84
92063A Image/1000 MEF/2,3,4,4B 8/85
92066A Measurement and Control MEF/M,2,3,4,4B 10/89
92067A RTE-IV MEF 3/86
92068A RTE-IVB EF 1/92
92068E RTE-IVE Mem-Based MEF 9/99
92069A IMAGE/1000 A,6,4B,L,XL active
92070A RTE-L L 7/86
92070B RTE-L (execute only) L 5/89
92071A RTE-XL L 4/90
92072A OEM Starter Kit - 4/90
92073A IMAGE/1000-L w/out Query L/L,XL 4/82
92076A BASIC/1000-L L,A/XL,A 4/90
92077A RTE-A A active
92078A VC+ A active
92080A Datacap/1000-II EF,A/4B,6,A 7/89
92081A IMAGE/1000-II EF,A/6,A active
92082A ACCEL/1000 1/86
92083A Profile Monitor EF,A/A,6,4,IVB 2/2001
92084A RTE-6/VM EF 9/99
92086A RTE-6/VM Upgrade Kit (from IVB) EF 9/99
92091A HPSPICE Circuit Simulation Prog MEF/6 3/90
92101A BASIC/1000D MEF active
92120A PMC/1000 (Process Monit & Cntrl)MEF 7/89 (superseded by
92121A PMC/1000 A 1/93 92121A)
92122A GIS/1000 (Graphics Intf. S/W) A 3/93
92125A ADA/1000 A 2/99
92130A QDM/1000 (Quality Decision Mgmt)MEF 7/89 (upgrade to A-Ser)
92131A QDM/1000 A 10/96
92140A PCL/1000-AB MEF 7/89
92400A DAS Utility Library MEF/M,2,3,IV,IVB 10/89
92561A PORT/RX A 6/2001
92571A HP C/1000 A active
92826A S/W Man. Pack. MEF 11/84
92826B RTE-IV Manual Pack MEF 11/92
92827A RTE-M Manual Pack M 12/84
92832A PASCAL/1000-IVB (exec. only L) MEF,L 1/92
92833A PASCAL/1000 MEF/A,6 active
92834A FORTRAN-4X Compiler MEF/A,L,XL,4B,6 1/92
92835A SIGNAL/1000 (Fast Fourier) F/6,IVB 1/92
92836A FORTRAN-77 Compiler A or 6 MEF/A active
92840A Graphics Plotting Software MEF/M,4,IVB 9/89
92841A Graphics/1000-II DGL V.1.0 A,4B,L,XL 1/92
92842A Graphics/1000-II AGP V.1.0 A,4B,L,XL 1/92
92843X Graphics/1000-II Device Hndlers MEF/A 1/92
92851A HW History Library MEF 9/99
92852E RTE-IV Upgrade Kit MEF 11/85
92853A Hardware History Library L-Ser. L 4/90
92854A PASCAL/1000-XL (exec. only L) L/A 4/90
92857A BASIC/1000C MEF/A,6 2/2001
92860A Symbolic Debug EF,A/A,6 active
92861A Graphics/1000-II DGL V.2.0 MEF,A/A,6 active
92862A Graphics/1000-II AGP V.2.0 MEF,A/A,6 active
92903A Datacap/1000 S/W Data Capture MEF/IV 2/86
94200A PCIF/1000 A 7/90 (replace w/94200B)
94200B PCIF/1000 A active
94201A PCIF UDI - 7/84
94202A PCIF Allen-Bradley Handler A active
94203A PCIF Gould-Modicon Handler A active
94204A PCIF Siemens Handler A active
94205A PCIF Telemecanique Handler A 9/96
94206A PCIF General Electric Handler A 9/96
94207A TI Handler A 9/96
94250A FORMS/1000-A EF/6 active
94250B FORMS/1000-B A active
98170A ARPA Services/1000 A active
B2690A SoftBench Link/1000 HP-UX active
B2692A SoftBench Link/1000 HP-UX/700 active
B2693A SoftBench Link/1000 HP-UX/800 active
B2695A GFoX HP-UX active
B2697A GFoX HP-UX/700 active
B2698A GFoX HP-UX/800 active

* EOSL = End of Support Life

Last updated: Fri Jan 24 13:36:47 1997

----- End included file -----
Received on Sun Jul 11 2004 - 14:36:12 BST

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