On Wed, 2004-07-14 at 12:48, Jules Richardson wrote:
> On Tue, 2004-07-13 at 21:47, Al Kossow wrote:
> >
> > Emulex MW0210402's
> >
> > --
> >
> > Should be MT02
> A google for Emulex MW0210402 turns up:
> http://sunsolve.sun.com/handbook_pub/Systems/Sun4/RMVBL_Emulex_MT02.html
> ...which *suggests* that it's an MT02 board, just with a potentially
> different ROM and (better?) support for both Archive and Wangtek drives.
> I'm assuming from that page that they're interchangable as far as
> driving an Archive tape drive. Certainly the board layout looks the
> same. I'll give it a try...
Darn, seems like it doesn't get along well with Adaptec SCSI controllers
Without multiple LUN support enabled, I get a timeout for the Inquiry
command on booting from the Adaptec BIOS, and the Linux AIC7xxx driver
gets horribly confused trying to talk to the board.
With multiple LUN support enabled, the Adaptec BIOS finds the board and
rather than timing out reports an 'unknown device' - it then seems to
hide the board from the system, as Linux doesn't even acknowledge that
there's anything at that particular ID.
Grumble! Unfortunately the only SCSI boards I have for PCs are Adaptecs,
so looks like I'm out of luck.
It's possible the Emulex board is broken I suppose, but according to the
doc for it on bitsavers it should do quite a lot of diags on the SCSI
controller at power-up, so given the flashing green light it gives me,
it should be ok.
The documentation suggests it is proper SCSI though, supporting
everything I'd expect, so I'm pretty surprised that it doesn't work.
Funnily enough, the Omti series SCSI/ST506 bridge boards also result in
timeout errors during Inquiry against an Adaptec board. I'll have to see
if they use the same SCSI chip as the Emulex - maybe there's something
Adaptec cards don't like about that specific chip...
Anyone on this side of the pond got a non-Adaptec PC SCSI controller
that they don't want? :-)
Received on Wed Jul 14 2004 - 17:42:42 BST