Pet Computer Software?

From: Ethan Dicks <>
Date: Wed Jul 14 22:17:20 2004

On Wed, Jul 14, 2004 at 10:21:56PM -0400, Pete Bartusek wrote:
> Does anyone out there have any sources for Pet computer software? Preferably
> tape, but I could probably track down a disk player as well. Better yet,
> has anyone designed a 'tape emulator' or anything like that?

All of my PET tapes are at home, and in any case, I've converted most of
them to '.t64' files (tape container files) for use with VICE, a
c64/PET/VIC/etc. emulator. I have not used them, but I believe there
are programs to convert these tape files into .wav files that can then be
recorded onto a real tape.

When looking for PET software, it will be helpful to know what models you
are interested in. Some programs work with all the available revisions
of the kernel ROMs (frequently referred to as "BASIC 1.0", "BASIC 2.0" and
"BASIC 4.0"), but many, many programs only work on one flavor of machine,
or screen size (40 col vs 80 col), etc. As an example, most of the stuff
I'm interested in is for BASIC 4.0 80-column (8032) or BASIC 2.0 40-column
(2001-N also known as the 3032 in Europe). If you are trying to get stuff
for an old 4K or 8K static-RAM PET, there's not a lot out there just for
it (they are BASIC 1.0 machines unless they are one of the rare ones that
was upgraded to BASIC 2.0).

There's plenty of stuff on Funet ( Go have
a browse. The trick will be, of course, getting the programs from there
onto a tape.


Ethan Dicks, A-130-S      Current South Pole Weather at 15-Jul-2004 03:10 Z
South Pole Station
PSC 468 Box 400       Temp -75.4 F (-59.7 C)    Windchill     -117.4 F (-83 C)
APO AP 96598          Wind  14.2 kts Grid 043   Barometer 669.6 mb (11022. ft)
Received on Wed Jul 14 2004 - 22:17:20 BST

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