> Moreover,serveral tapes are corroded.
> --
> There were many different recording formats used with DC300 style
> tape cartridges before the QIC standards were established. Onyx
> tapes predate those standards. Assuming the tape itself isn't
> damaged, you can put the reels into new shells. You will need to
> use a DEI drive to read them.
The shells are ok, the tapes themselves are corroded. I'm not very optimistic about these, but we'll see.
> As I keep telling people, DON'T EXPERIMENT WITH TAPES YOU CARE
Until now, I haven't tried to read the tapes :-)
> It sounds like the capstan was bad in the unit, try some other
> cart you don't care about before risking these tapes (which are
> quite rare) in that drive.
That's the reason I bought new ones to test the drive, in case the Onyx works.
> It would be a good thing to take high resolution pics of the boards
> and to dump any programmable parts.
I can take pictures next week and put them online.
But why should I dump the programmable parts ?
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Received on Thu Jul 15 2004 - 03:59:20 BST