spring clearout. (ok, so I'm late..)

From: Eelco Huininga <e.huininga_at_sozawe.groningen.nl>
Date: Thu Jul 22 05:20:50 2004

>>> Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk_at_yahoo.co.uk> 07/22 12:04 >>>

> Torch Hard Disc 68000 computer.
> BBC micro + 68000 co-processor + hard disc + monitor in a massive steel case.
> This WAS working a couple of years ago, but ceased to do so after being
> moved about. It may be something simple, I don't know ..

I've yet to find anyone who has a running one :-) The ones I've seen
typically had BASF hard drives, which don't seem to have stood the test
of time like other ST506 units. Yours is a little unusual in having the
68k board rather than the Z80 though. (I've got schematics for the 68k
boards by the way, as well as the SASI controller fitted in these

I'm very interested in a copy of the 68000 and SASI boards. Any chance
you can mail me a copy?

Received on Thu Jul 22 2004 - 05:20:50 BST

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