It turns out that about 3 years after they went out of business, a 12-volume
"Encyclopedia" of Processor Technology data was published by Stan Sokolow
called the "Encyclopedia Processor Technica", aka "EPT". [There is some
question as to whether volume 12 was ever actually published.]
I'm trying to find this and get it converted to PDF files. Bob Stek has
loaned me volume 9 to scan (covers the Helios Disk System), which will soon
be on Howard's site (
Does anyone have any of the other volumes? This is a rare document, there
were probably no more than a couple of hundred printed, if even that many,
and that was over 20 years ago.
If you have this and are willing to loan it out for scanning, or scan it
yourself (each volume is about 300+ pages), please contact me
Still looking for a number of other manuals also, plus anything that isn't
in the library (these below have specific requests):
* AB Digital Design Labs B810 RAM
* CCS 2820 CPU Board Manual
* CCS 2-Serial/2-Parallel Card Manual
* Cromemco [2716] 32K Bytesaver
* Cromemco 64KZ Manual
* DIGITEX Systems Manuals.
* DUAL Systems Manuals not listed.
* Ithaca Audio 1010 CPU Board
* NNC ("No-Name Computers") Manuals
* OSM Computer Corp Z80 CPU "CPU/64K" Board
* S. D. Sales Expando-Ram I, III Manuals (any/all versions)
* Zeus System Manuals
Barry Watzman
Received on Mon Jul 19 2004 - 12:14:15 BST