Rumor has it that Ed Kelleher may have mentioned these words:
>At 07:16 PM 7/26/2004, you wrote:
>>What stupid fucking creatures. Good thing too. If they actually had any
>>sort of intelligence they could take over the world.
>This is the 3rd time you've used the F word recently......
Are the list archives working? I haven't checked - but if they are, give
'em a quick check - this issue usually comes up once a year or so, and you
will see that Sellam in the past (and quite probably will be in the future,
if I'm given a bit of latitude to /assume/ here...) has been completely
unswayed by arguments posited to him to modify his particular (preferred?
;-) usage of the American language.
My question is this:
If you were offended enough by the word to use a euphemism in your response
(and a bible quote as well), why didn't you star it out or otherwise mangle
it in the reply above? ;^>
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger | "Bugs of a feather flock together."
sysadmin, Iceberg Computers | Russell Nelson |
Received on Tue Jul 27 2004 - 11:30:45 BST