VCF Security

From: evan <>
Date: Wed Jul 28 13:11:21 2004


I'll weigh in on this as well. I've been to two VCFs and had no problems.
And, if anyone WOULD have a security problem, it would be me: I collect vintage
handhelds and PDAs which are a heck of a lot easier to steal than someone's
Altair or DEC box. I do take precautions when I want to look around the
exhibit hall or attend a lecture -- for example, I set up my booth as late as
possible before the doors open to the public, to minimize the time when my
stuff is just sitting around; I always ask a nearby exhibitor to keep watch if
I'm going away for food or to the bathroom or wherever; and as my collection
grows, I'm transitioning from using cardboard boxes and suitcases to using
professional / lockable display cases. But I digress... VCF is a super-safe
event and we all look out for each other.

 - Evan

--- wrote:

> I am considering having an exhibit at the next Vintage Computer Festival
> (7.0). I was wondering what the security is like for the exhibits. Do you
> need to packup up each night? I would like to here comment from those who
> were there (Computer History Museum) last year.
> Michael Holley
Received on Wed Jul 28 2004 - 13:11:21 BST

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