Lucas Electrics: RE: Commodore Pet ROM trouble... EPROM Substitutes...

From: Dwight K. Elvey <>
Date: Fri Jul 30 18:28:11 2004

>From: "Don Maslin" <>
>On Fri, 30 Jul 2004, Joe R. wrote:
>> At 04:41 PM 7/29/04 -0700, you wrote:
>> >>> That's called a 'Light Emitting EPROM' and it's an expensive and
>> >>> short-lived alternative to an LED.
>> >
>> >>Is this related to things like the SER (Smoke Emiting Resistor -- one
>> >>where the power rating is massivle exceeded), SEC (Sound Emitinf Capacitor
>> >>-- an electrolytic wired backwards), the Friode (a diode that's
>> >>open-circuit both ways), etc?
>> >
>> >Sounds like what Lucas Electric used to use.
>> >
>> ROFL! Only someone who's had a vehicle with Lucas electronics could
>> truely appreciate that!
>> Joe (x-1952 MG TD)
>...or had experience with Magneti Morelli eqquipment!
> xxxxxxx
> Marelli
> - don

 The only problems I've ever had with Lucas was there fuel pumps,
ignition coils, distributors, alternators and fuse holders.
The Magneti Marelli stuff was actually a little better. I
never had issue with the alternators ( regulators were junk )
but then I never had an Italian car with an electric fuel pump.
 For switches, the worst I ever encountered were used in
Received on Fri Jul 30 2004 - 18:28:11 BST

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