IS32 Optic RAM Datasheet and Steve Ciarcia's Micro D-CAM Artical

From: Dave Dunfield <>
Date: Tue Jun 1 07:57:19 2004

I have posted the following to my web site: <- IS32 Optic Ram datasheet <- Byte "Micro D-Cam" artical part-1 <= Byte "Micro D-Cam" artical part-2

I have not yet scanned the Apple code listing that accompanied part two of the
byte artical - will try and do this in the next few days (it's fairly lengthy).

I won't be able to leave these here forever - if anyone can take them and put
them somewhere for long-term availability, that would be great!

Btw, you can't access the pub directory directly, so you will have to point
your browser at the specific files indicated.

dave04a (at)    Dave Dunfield
dunfield (dot)  Firmware development services & tools:
com             Vintage computing equipment collector.
Received on Tue Jun 01 2004 - 07:57:19 BST

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