- Tony Duell (Tue Jun 22 2004 - 18:15:25 BST)
- "How to build a working digital computer" - Anyone with copies?
- "Nobody benchmarks anymore"
- "Nobody programs in machine language"
- "Nobody programs in machine language" (was: ...)
- "Nobody programs in machine language" (was: Modern
- "Nobody programs in machine language" (was: Modern Electronics
- "Nobody programs in machine language" (was: Modern Electronics (was
- "Nobody programs in machine language" (was: Modern Electronics(was
- "Nobody teaches assembly language"
- "Who you callin Nobody?", ReReRe(...
- 'Lorenzo' by Technology Modeling Associates ?
- (2) HP 88140LC tape cartridges
- 122A scope
- 17 Apple Powerbooks wanted (UK)
- 1802 - elf?
- 1979 microproc cookbook on eBay
- 21+ Years of DDJ Indexed
- 3com etherlink III MCA
- 3M DC100 Tapes
- 486 dies terrible death
- 5100
- 8" hard sectored floppies
- :-)
- [GreenKeys] Teletype 33ASR and PDP8 Information]
- [OT] Is there any place to pick up ISOs of RedHat 5.1?
- ^_^ meay-meay!
- ^_^ mew-mew (-:
- A case for downgrading to PCs (was: WARNING: RANTING COMPUTER
- A case for downgrading to PCs (was: WARNING: RANTING COMPUTER NUT...
- A case for downgrading to PCs (was: WARNING: RANTING COMPUTERNUT...
- a crate of 10 base network cards are available.
- A pack of Morrows available in Toronto
- ADM3-A with screen problem on epay (for US, Canada)
- Adopt Alpha 1000 - San Diego
- age limits for classic computers
- age limits for classic computers)
- AlphaServer ECU / AlphaServer for sell
- AMC/AMD Z-8000 Multibus pictures
- Amdek system/88
- Amiga 2000 help/info needed.
- Amiga external SCSI question
- Amiga Golden Gate II
- Another computer toxic issue
- Any MacIvory boards from Symbolics? Was: Macs: Billions
- Any MacIvory boards from Symbolics? Was: Macs: Billions and Billions sold.
- Any problem with Document Archive in Bitsavers.org ?
- Anyone have a spare PC8300 Arrow triangle key?
- Anyone have a working paper tape reader?
- Anyone heard of Gespac?
- Apple II floppys
- Apple II floppys - revised
- Apple IIe's
- Apple LaserWriter questions
- Archive Cartridge Tape Drive 5540C
- Arg... Salesdroiditis strikes again!
- ASR-33 H-Plate
- AT&T General Purpose Sychronous AT/Enhanced card
- Atari 520 at a yard sale today
- Atari Mandala VR System
- Atlantic Research Corp. "Interview 40B"
- Australia Computer Museum in trouble
- Available: Compaq Deskpro 386/20e Manuals/Diskette
- awesome collection of older data books, manuals etc.
- Benson 1645 plotter experience?
- bigass DG Aviion
- bitsavers mirror is up and in sync!
- Bob Bemer, father of ASCII and the Esc ....Computer Pioneer Passed Away This Week at Age 84.
- Boot disk for Philips P2000C?
- Brian Instruments BRIKON model 723 floppy drive tester/analyzer
- Buying in the States
- cardiac humor
- Casio CFX-40
- cctalk Digest, Vol 10, Issue 54
- cctalk Digest, Vol 10, Issue 74
- cctalk Digest, Vol 10, Issue 74)
- Cheetah Cub board
- Cheetah Cub memory board For Sale or Trade
- Chip Design - East Coast
- Classic Computing in the Southwest (U.S.A)
- Classic Computing in the Southwest (U.S.A.)
- Classic PDP-8 wire wrap bits
- Classics near Winchester, Hampshire, UK ?
- Commodore 75BM13 monitor ?
- Commodore/PET Cassette to PC transfer...
- Compiling a list of "neo-retro" hardware
- Computer flooring/flooding/water in computer rooms
- Computer museums
- Convex SPP(3?) .... Worth saving?
- Cool 4004 based calculator
- Copy of NetWare 3.1x
- Core volatility
- CORMEMCO harddrive boot
- COSMAC BASIC hex dump
- Cromemco 64KZ and other S-100 board information needed
- Cromemco Information Needed
- Cromemco memory
- CRT pinout
- Das Transputerbuch
- Data I/O device pinout codes
- Datapoint 2200 going cheap on Ebay
- DEC & HP available - a trip to an infrequented collecting spot in stlouis
- DEC at MIT
- DEC PC350-D2
- DEC Professional 350
- DEC racks available
- DEC Rainbow 100 manuals?
- DEC Technical Journals - F.A.
- Dec VAX 4000/500 cluster rescue
- DEC VT102 terminal question?
- decstation cache in boston
- Deja-vu?
- Diablo 33F (Series 30) Disk Drive (D.G. Nova, Datapoint, etc) F.A.
- Differing Atari VCS case designs
- DiversiDial Software Outthere?
- Do you want old Amiga manuals?
- Do you want old Amiga manuals? List included - USA
- Documentation for TTi QTS-1 ?
- DOS application in WinXP
- Downsizing a Convex SPP1600?
- drivers for HP scanjet 6300??????????
- DSSI terminators?
- Duplicate Posts - Burst Posts...
- DZ11 pinout?
- E-Mail (Spam) filtering....
- EBay UK search hanging
- Elan Eprom manual
- Elf breaks the $1000 barrier
- ello! =))
- ET-3400 Floppy Drive
- Expando-RAM Information Needed
- FA: Clean Epson PX-8 with docs and boxed CX-20 coupler available
- FA: MicroVAX cards & drives, prototype Motorola PCX 7410
- FIND: Commodore SuperPET SP9000 + 2040
- Floppy drive oddity? (TEC FB-503)
- floppy low level format question
- formatting an RD5x
- Found Today - Sony SMC-2000, etc.
- FPF-11/M8188 cable
- Free DEC 11/34 Boards
- Free Dec Boards
- Free in Socal: NCR systems
- Free stuff, mostly Apple II related
- Free VAX 3100/30 in Atlanta
- FREE VMS Programmer's Manuals
- Free: DECstation 5000/240
- Freebies in Socal: Portable Terminals
- Fun new stuff
- GE Terminet terminal
- general electric terminal?
- Gordon Bell's Computer Structures: Readings and Examples book is online!
- Grey VMS wall available for pickup
- Hans Franke, are you listening?
- HARD SECTORS on a PC? (was: NorthStar Double Density - DOS low level DCOM function
- Head Cleaners
- Help ID this IBM ISA video card please
- Help Needed in Houston to Move Collection
- Help to ID Unibus board
- Help with Lisa Needed
- Hero remote for pver $500
- Hexbus interfacing
- Hey Hey 16K
- Hokki =)
- How do you exit an BASIC environment
- How do you exit an Basic environment.
- HP 2113E, TI 990/4 CPUs available
- HP 4952A Software
- HP 64000 in Kansas City
- HP 7200A plotter
- HP 7906 drive lives again & stuff
- HP 7908 woes
- hp 7974a
- HP analyzer probes
- HP Boards available
- HP logic analyser questions
- HP racks (and VCF east)
- HP serial card
- HP-110 Plus laptop power supply specs?
- HP64000
- http://www.classiccmp.org/pipermail/cctech/2003-August/017875.h tml
- I need a DEC PDP-11 pink/purple panel
- I'm so stupid... Was: Head Cleaners
- IBM 5150 and Full-height 5.25 Floppy Drives
- IBM 5150 and Full-height 5.25" Floppy Drives
- IBM cassette tapes.
- IBM System/23 Datamaster ??
- IMSAI 8080 : Lets see where this one goes...
- Incoming Msg
- Info on Magnesys 720KB card wanted
- Intel i960 MC Programmer's Reference Manual
- interesting DEC, HP, CDC parts
- Interesting hamfest finds
- Interesting part
- Interesting Tektronix site
- Interesting video
- Interesting video"
- Intriguing stuff on eBay
- IRIX 5.3 and resetting root password
- IS32 Optic RAM Datasheet and Steve Ciarcia's Micro D-CAM Artical
- ISI 68K Qbus board
- ISO Votrax VS6
- Jupitor Ace on eBay
- Kodak Displaymaker "video graphics system"
- L-COM IEEE-488 GPIB 3.0m cables (CIB24-3M) anyone?
- Legalities..
- LF: Cromemco System3 boot floppy & HD info.
- List charter mods &
- List charter mods & headcount...
- List charter mods & headcount... ;
- List charter mods & headcount... ; -))
- List charter mods & headcount... ;-)
- List charter mods & headcount... ;-))
- List charter mods &headcount... ; -))
- List charter mods &headcount... ;-))
- local finds
- Lodging for VCF East 2.0
- Looking for BA23 rack mount hardware
- looking for DG docs
- looking for Jarel Hambenne
- Looking for Pittman's Tiny Basic
- looking to trade for paper tape reader/punch
- Lots of Tandy Pocket Computers ...
- LPS (Digital PrintServer) questions
- m9312 roms
- Mac startup and death chimes database
- Macs: Billions and Billions sold
- Macs: Billions and Billions sold.
- mailserver delays
- manuals in pdf (resolution, compression)
- Master 5S external 5.25" floppy drive for Atari
- MDS-225 available in France
- MicroVAX 3100-30s available in Cambridge, UK
- Microwave oven hackery (was Modern Electronics,
- Microwave oven hackery (was Modern Electronics, earlier List charter mods & headcount...)
- MIT Dumbkopf 1 computer
- MIT Swapfest (was: DEC at MIT)
- Mixer data sheet
- Modern Blinkenlights
- Modern Electronics (Batteies)
- More Amiga 2000 help/info needed ---- Boot colors
- More Amiga 2000 help/info needed.
- more on printing terminals
- Mount disk images for MS-DOS
- MPF-1B manuals
- MS BASIC for a Panasonic HHC RL-H1400
- My disaster, your good luck
- Naive 9 track/Pertec/Kennedy 9610/TS11 question
- Nascom 2 cooling fan(s)??
- NCD X Terminals
- Need Heathkit Cable
- need hex prom code or source for Intel MDS-800 monitor
- need schematics for SWTPC function generator
- Need Sritek Baseboard (for NS16032 add-on) ...
- Needed "data processing magazine" also any of same topic are from 50's 60's 70's such as "Datamation", ACM conference proceedings, Early AFIPS, and others.
- Net Booting IRIX 3.3.2 (for install)
- New finds. Silicon Graphics Personal iris.
- New Finds: Mentis wearable computer!
- new hamfest finds
- Nobody teaches assembly language
- NorthStar Double Density - DOS low level DCOM function
- Northstar question...
- not HARD SECTORS on a PC (was: NorthStar Double Density - DOS low level DCOM function
- NS DS8881N datasheet anyone
- NY/NJ/CT - Part time tech Jobs available...
- O(ff)T? or O(n)T? 22DISK on a PC
- Open House
- OpenVMS
- Origins of C (was: "Nobody programs in machine language" (was: Modern
- Origins of C (was: "Nobody programs in machine language" (was:Modern
- OS/2
- OS/2 - I have OS/2 2.1 for Windows on 3-1/2"
- Osborne Vixen
- OT : Tektronix 475A Scope...
- OT: bad puns and jokes
- OT: CRT EMI Shield
- OT: EBay UK search hanging
- OT: FS - HP DLTtape IIIXT 30 GB
- OT: laser printer for sale
- OT: Need X windows programming guru
- Paging Mike Stein in Toronto
- paper tape replacement
- Parallel drive (was: USB 5.25" floppy drive - do it
- PDP-11/60 and HP 9836 available in Houston
- PDP-8 stuff
- PDP-8/E and PDP-8/M diff?
- PDP-8/E chassis + PSU (broken) FREE for pickup
- PDP-9, -12, -15 paper tapes found
- Pertec PCC-2000
- Philips P2000C disks
- pinging ed sharpe
- Places To Visit in NYC?
- Plus Passport
- Prerelease Mac Portable?
- Pressed Particle Board Shelving {*non*}Warning
- Prime 5320 *possibly* up for grabs (Ascot, UK)
- Processor Technology Question
- Product documentation and schematics
- Proposal: Oldware database
- Qbus hard disk controller
- Qbus hard disk controller - Found word(s) error XXX in the Text body.
- Qwint Systems?
- Rackmount MAC Classic
- Raidion LTX SCSI to SCSI raid cerca 1994
- Raidion LTX SCSI to SCSI raid system
- Re(2): COSMAC BASIC hex dump
- Reading old tapes
- Reading old tapes tapes living in arizona ok
- Really stupid PDP assembler question
- Rejuvinating Lead/Acid Batterys
- Request for information on HP 9826
- Resend: TSZ07, "5F MOTOR FAULT"
- resubscribing to list
- Retroarchive....
- Return of Colossus marks D-Day
- Ricoh RS-5060E 5.25" MO
- RK05 alignment cartridge
- RK05 alignment pack
- RK05 format program
- RK07 diskheads
- Robin boot disks was: DEC at MIT
- ROCC R2840 systems
- RSTS/E software
- RX02 115VAC/60Hz -> 230VAC/50Hz
- RX50
- S-100 stuff found
- Sandia and Los Alamos Auction
- Saw on Ebay: 1959 Brainiac K-30 available on ebay
- Saw on Ebay: PDP-11/03 backplane
- Saw on Ebay: VAX Console 380 (Professional 380?)
- scp platforms
- SCSI cable
- Searching for HP LA Inverse Assembler toolkit
- selectric consoles
- Sell or Trade TC01?
- Simulators & AppleII copy protected disks ?
- small drives spotted
- Sony smc-70 computer
- sorry for email delays
- Spammercide (was: Duplicate Posts - Burst Posts...
- SPAMMERCIDE and Telephone Scam...
- Speaking of Boston...
- Spectron Datascope
- SRAM cards for Commodore CD-TV?
- Stag plus stuff-including CPD1802s
- Stupid Amiga Tricks
- Sun Sparcserver 490
- T&C and such..
- Tandy 2000
- Teaching assembler
- tektronics XP419C
- Tektronix 2225 scope
- Telephone Scam...
- Teletype 33-TU in Kansas City at surplus exchange
- Teletype questions
- Televisions...
- Terminet30
- Terminet30 - Actually,
- Terminet30 - Actually, it looks like this !(was general electric terminal?)
- The Future of Commodore (fwd from cbm-hackers)
- The Lear Siegler ADM3 story concludes.....
- Three lead neon lamps
- TI calculator repair anyone?
- TI74 AC adapter specs
- til308
- Tiny BASIC
- todays auction finds: A motorola qbus cpu ??
- todays auction finds:A motorola qbus cpu ??
- Transistor curve tester?
- Trivia Challenge!
- TRS80 Model 1 Level II ROMs
- Two free SGI Personal Iris systems, Melbourne Australia
- Unexpected Find
- Unibus DEC board FS
- Unibus DEC board FS- 2 left
- Unisys System 80 available in Germany near Osnabrueck !
- Upgrading a KDF-11B ROMs for MSCP Bootstrap (disassembling a bootstrap ROM?)
- US Exports
- USB 5.25" floppy drive
- USB 5.25" floppy drive - do it
- Vacuum tube logic thing
- Vax help - lost passwords
- VAX Vector 6000-520
- VCF East, ASR33 help wanted
- VCFe (trades)
- VCFe (trades) IBM datamaster
- Vector Graphic
- vintage computers and lead poisoning?
- Vintage Laptops Wanted
- VME 6U Powered Chassis
- vt420 conversion to 240vac
- VT55 Programming Manual
- VTServer for Windows
- wang stuff
- Wanted: ASR-33, LA36, and VT50
- Wanted: M9312 ROMs (data i/o help needed)
- Wanted: M9312 ROMs and DATA IO help
- Washington DC classic computing resources/museums?
- Weeeeee! ;)))
- What is bigger than a "super Jumbo Colossal" olive?
- What is bigger than a "super Jumbo Colossal" olive? (was: 8"
- What is bigger than a "super Jumbo Colossal" olive? (was: 8" hard sectored floppies
- What is bigger than a "super Jumbo Colossal" olive? (was: 8"hard sectored floppies
- What is this???
- What is this??? - Update
- What is this??? - Update)
- What is this??? - Update)]
- What's the best way to cut a PB book apart for scanning?
- What's the best way to cut a PB book apart for scanning? Millenium Analyzer
- What's the weirdest thing that you've ever found inside a computer?
- What's the weirdest thing that you've ever found inside acomputer?
- word document
- WTB: MIT Radiation Lab books
- Xerox workstation for sale
- XTerms + DEC stuff + misc available (Cambridge, UK)
- Yet another same-old, same-old classic gaming article
- Last message date: Wed Jun 30 2004 - 23:21:09 BST
- Archived on: Fri Oct 10 2014 - 23:37:02 BST