OT: CRT EMI Shield

From: Paul Koning <pkoning_at_equallogic.com>
Date: Tue Jun 1 10:42:21 2004

>>>>> "chris" == chris <cb_at_mythtech.net> writes:

 chris> I did a bit of looking, but couldn't find a cheap home brew
 chris> solution, so I'm asking here to pick the brains of the smart
 chris> people on the list (or dumb ones, I'm not picky).

 chris> I just added a 4th monitor to my desk. I have it stacked on
 chris> top of another monitor. However, when I turn it on, the one
 chris> below it, and the one next to it have their images
 chris> distorted. I'm guessing it is some kind of EMI that is
 chris> screwing things up. The distortion is noticeable and annoying.

 chris> My current solution is to turn off the 4th monitor when not in
 chris> use. However, I'd like to know if there is any kind of a cheap
 chris> home brew EMI filter I can put between the monitors. Something
 chris> along the lines of wrapping the monitor it foil, or putting
 chris> some barrier between them.

Try a piece of sheet steel between the monitors.. You're probably
suffering from stray magnetic fields.

Received on Tue Jun 01 2004 - 10:42:21 BST

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