On Mon, 31 May 2004, Marvin Johnston wrote:
> Something I've wanted for quite a while is a Sony SMC-2000 computer with
> the LDP-2000 laserdisc player. Today I finally got it! This unit had
> been used by a local school and they needed to get rid of it. It came
> with some laserdiscs and ... four service manuals for both the computer
> and laserdisc player! Apparently this runs MS-DOS 2.11 and I don't think
> that came with it. But unless that is a special OEM version of MS-DOS,
> it won't be a problem.
YES, it IS a "special OEM version".
"Regular" MS-DOS 2.11 does not support 3.5" diskettes, MODE.COM is
substantially different, and there'll be a few more minor differences.
If you can get a copy of the correct MODE.COM, you can patch it to work
with 3.20 or later by serching out the MOV AH, 30 INT 21h code.
run it with SETVER on DOS 5.00 or above (6.2x would be best)
Grumpy Ol' Fred cisin_at_xenosoft.com
Received on Tue Jun 01 2004 - 14:27:51 BST