
From: RMaxwell_at_atlantissi.com <(RMaxwell_at_atlantissi.com)>
Date: Wed Jun 2 17:49:03 2004


  I can give the 30 a home, and I work in SE Brampton, so a pick-up should
be fairly straightforward to arrange. Contact me off-list to discuss

  The Terminet 30 looks much more (late 70's?) modern than the old Terminet
300 I used as a letter-quality printer back in 1982-3. It was big and heavy
(and old even then), with a rack of cards attached to the back containing
the logic. I saw a fellow working on one with the lid up - wearing a tie.
Never do that. Fortunately, the band drive had stall detection, or it could
have been serious.

  An old German physics prof I had for a "reports" course was reputed to
dislike word processors, and the previous years' class insisted that laser
printouts from the Computing Center cost them marks... Terminet 300 output
tends to look a little uneven, since hammer-belt timing is slightly
variable, character fingers are bendable, and each of the (113 on the T300)
hammers hits slightly differently - so output LOOKed like it came from a
tired old manual typewriter. Don't know if it was that, or my sterling
prose, but I got 48/50 on that course.

Ah, memories.

  Bob Maxwell

> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Brian Mahoney" <brianmahoney_at_look.ca>
> Subject: Terminet30 - Actually, it looks like this !(was general
> electric terminal?)
> It's in Scarborough. If anyone wants it they can have it for
> $21.60 Canadian
> plus whatever shipping YOU can arrange. Or pick it up, I'll
> help you to the
> car.
> Seriously, if no one wants it, what the hell do I do with it?
> I collect
> portables! And what vintage is it? 60's? Later?
> Brian Mahoney
Received on Wed Jun 02 2004 - 17:49:03 BST

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