>Are hard sectored 8" floppies of any use to anyone? .
>I've seen new soft sectored disks advertised online for fairly hefty prices
(don't know if they are selling at that price or not). > What systems made
use of these?
I doubt if you will find any systems in use today using 8" hard sectored
disks. The most recent used I noticed, was for IBM system/6 word processing.
Soft sectored are still useful, depending on density etc. They were used
extensively on IBM 374x data entry systems, and (after having put some data
on them) on IBM 3540 readers. They were also used a lot on other systems,
too many to mention.
They came in various flavours : single or double sided, low or high density,
capacity from 251K to 1.2 megs, sectorsizes from 128 to 1024 bytes. When
used on IBM systems, track 0 was always written with 26 x 128 bytes, the
rest could be different.
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