> >Is it possible to backup LIF disks with non-HP hardware?
On Thu, 3 Jun 2004, Joe R. wrote:
> Yes, you can use the LIF Utiles (released to public domain and posted on
> the net) to read the disks and translate the files into a MS-DOS fromat. Or
> MS-DOS's DiskCopy may be able to make a straight copy of the disk even
> though it's not in a MS-DOS format. If DiskCopy doesn't work then TeleDisk
> certainly should.
They can definitely be backed up using PC hardware,
subject to WHICH of the LIF formats they are.
DISKCOPY will absolutely NOT work, because:
1) DISKCOPY looks in the boot sector and/or first byte of the FAT to
determine which one of several MS-DOS formats is being copied, and can
therefore NOT copy non-MS-DOS diskettes properly. For the same reason,
DEBUG and early versions of the Norton fUtilities can not handle alien
2) most LIF formats, AFAIK, are 256 bytes per sector, which DOS
utilities intended for handling DOS diskettes will choke on.
LIF is NOT one of the currently supported formats in XenoCopy.
But Teledisk should handle it
CopyII-PC should handle it
XenoCopy can duplicate them (NOT transfer files), if you lie to it about
what format the alien diskettes are.
TRAKCESS, or almost any other utilities on TRS-80 model III can copy them.
Various utilities on Coco can copy them.
Oswego Systems made some doftware for doing LIF formats.
I've never used the "LIF Utilities", but that CERTAINLY should work.
Fred Cisin cisin_at_xenosoft.com
XenoSoft http://www.xenosoft.com
Received on Thu Jun 03 2004 - 17:18:32 BST