Saw on Ebay: VAX Console 380 (Professional 380?)
> > catagory, but I don't have any real interest in running Unix on DEC
> > HW.
> Shh! Don't let Michael Sokolov hear you!
Why not, Unix is boring compared to the other OS's that you can run on DEC
HW, and I suspect most people know I feel that way :^)
> Actually, I don't have any PDP running UNIX yet, but would like to at
> some point. VMS, of course, is the only proper OS to run on a VAX. ;)
I've considered running Unix on a PDP-11, but have never gotten around to
it. Last time I tried to get 2.11BSD up and running it didn't like my
Viking disk controller, though that bug has since been fixed.
> Alphas, however, are pretty nice at running Linux, but that's not real
> Unix (or on-topic by age).
Actually unless I'm mistaken Linux on Alpha's is now ontopic, or if it
isn't, it is sure getting close. Linux itself has been ontopic for almost
three years.
Alphas also do quite well at running BSD, I ran OpenBSD on one of mine for a
few years. Though I've now downgraded that system to a Sparc 5/110.
I really hate to see systems that can run VMS wasted running Unix.
Received on Thu Jun 03 2004 - 20:49:23 BST
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