Saw on Ebay: VAX Console 380 (Professional 380?)

From: Andrew K. Bressen <>
Date: Sun Jun 6 05:16:15 2004

>> I really hate to see systems that can run VMS wasted running Unix. (Eric Dittman) writes:
> I agree with you completely, Zane.

But you could have a dual-boot system,
which allows you to issue commands like

# wall
System rebooting to VMS in ten minutes.
Please adjust your files accordingly.

I used to run an turist vax system on orphaned hw in a uni machine
room; I and the other sysadmin discussed (but never got round to)
having it alternate days between OS', just to keep our users on their

One of the disks (an RA80 or 81) eventually had the central bearing
go; the noise was so awful that it was a couple of days before anyone
would go into that machine room to spin the sucker down. I still have
one of the platters; they have a neat circle about half an inch wide
in the middle of the media that is scoured down to the aluminum.

  --akb, still waiting for the reinvention of the versioning file system
         and the standardized stacking error facility
Received on Sun Jun 06 2004 - 05:16:15 BST

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