Quothe Joe R., from writings of Sun, Jun 06, 2004 at 09:29:21AM -0400:
> The military base/prison at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas still has parts of
> their original wooden water pipe in use. IIRC the fort was originally built
> in the 1830s. I'm not sure when the pipe was installed but it was certainly
> before the War of Northern Agression (aka the Civil War to less literate of
Ah yes, the war started by that tall skinny despot in the White House,
who decided that states rights didn't matter. To prove his point, and
to get those "unpatriotic" people who valued states' rights and didn't
want to pay the high taxes, he unleashed his troops, led by a general
who was anything but a gentleman, to burn, pillage and rape throughout
the South. The past few present administrations are shining examples
of that despot's legacy, determined to prove that the federal
government should have all of the rights and that the people are
supoposed to have virtually none, particularly if such rights
interfere with corruption, greed and other related preoccupations of
the politicians and their corporate puppeteers.
> you). I believe that there are number of cities that still have parts of
> their original wooden water pipes in use including London UK.
Very interesting. I wonder what condition those pipes are in by now.
Copyright (C) 2004 R. D. Davis The difference between humans & other animals:
All Rights Reserved an unnatural belief that we're above Nature &
her other creatures, using dogma to justify such
www.rddavis.org 410-744-4900 beliefs and to justify much human cruelty.
Received on Sun Jun 06 2004 - 14:33:16 BST