I have a vague recollection that the old 40/80MB Connor & Quantum SCSIs
had "stiction" problems back around '90 +/-2 yrs or so, too far back
for me to remember clearly, but I recall situations where depending on
how warm a drive was it would randomly spin up or not & tricks that
could force it (to get a backup). In any case, if the only thing wrong
is a bad drive, that is fixable. Not that I see any real use in such a
beast. But for those interested.... just be sure you can find a working
drive to replace it & a copy of the OS for it (probably System 6 or 7).
On Jun 7, 2004, at 9:45 AM, chris wrote:
>> Maybe not -- it's apparently not bootable. Dead disk, it seems.
>> From the description, it sounds like it is just another dead Apple
> drive. I have gone thru stacks of these 40 and 80 MB drives from Apple
> (all Conner I believe, just like the one pictured). They seem to have
> motor failures and stop spinning.
> But the Portable uses a standard 3.5" SCSI drive, so it is fairly
> trivial
> to swap the drive. Granted it lessens the "value" if it carries a
> different drive, but since I've already been outbid, I'll stick with
> the
> idea that it will exceed my price threshold before it sells. :-)
> -chris
> <http://www.mythtech.net>
Jeff Brendle Office: 313 EESB/(814)865-3257/fax 865-3191
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Penn State - Coll. of E&MS State College, PA / (814)861-8180
Mailto:bli_at_psu.edu AOL/MSN/Yahoo! IM - JSBrendle
Received on Mon Jun 07 2004 - 08:57:14 BST