Hi Walter and ClassicCmp
I just checked Tom's web page and he has the 6502
tape dump there. It is for the KIM so it may need
a little fiddling for some other computer. The
code at 0100h is the terminal interface. Also,
down load the manuals he has there. As I recall
these explain how to match your console I/O to
his TB.
The tape form is similar to Intel hex. The first
byte is the number of bytes of data. Next is the 16 bit
address. The bytes follow. At the end of the line
is a 16 bit checksum. I don't think this matches
one of the more standard dump types.
If you absolutely need it in Intel Hex, I can send
you what I converted from the tape dumps.
>From: walterpark <walterpark_at_sbcglobal.net>
>To: dwight.elvey_at_amd.com
>Subject: Tiny BASIC
>Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2004 14:48:14 -0700
>I'm also interested. If you're emailing this out, please add my address to
>your cc: list.
>I have one old hex print-out of TB for the 6502 on yellow TTY paper.
>It sounds like you already have that in electronic form.
>Walter Park
Received on Tue Jun 08 2004 - 17:36:21 BST