Qbus hard disk controller

From: Jerome H. Fine <jhfinexgs2_at_compsys.to>
Date: Tue Jun 8 18:18:43 2004

>Jay West wrote:

> I believe I have a few spare RQDX2's, but those dont do RD53 drives just
> RD52 I think?

Jerome Fine replies:

Controller Model Max RD5n Drive
------------------ ------------------
RQDX1 (M8639) RD51
RQDX1 (M8639-YA) RD52
RQDX3 (M8639-YB) RD53
RQDX3 (M7555) RD54 - RD3n drives also allowed

(1) RQDX1 must be the last board in the Qbus (i.e. ONLY one allowed)
(2) All RQDXn also allow the RX50
(3) RQDX3 also allows the RX33 and RT-11 can FORMAT an RX33 media

Any other questions?

Sincerely yours,

Jerome Fine
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Received on Tue Jun 08 2004 - 18:18:43 BST

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