>Does anyone know if there is software available to transfer Apple II
>disk images on a raw-binary basis (ie: not necessarily well formed
>sectors), and if so, are there any simulators which can make use of
>such images?
>I know this would be fairly complex, as the Apple could do half
>tracks etc., and timing can be critical to many Apple copy protection
>schemes. These factors would also have to be delt with somehow - is
>there anything available which can do this?
I don't know about getting past the copy protection, but there is at
least one fairly vast archive of Apple II software available online. I
never remember the exact address, but it is something with asimov.net
(the A2 newsgroups usually make mention of it from time to time)
Your friend can always check there to see if the software he needs to
transfer has already been made into a disk image that he may be able to
use with the emulator.
Received on Tue Jun 08 2004 - 22:49:38 BST