On Thu, 10 Jun 2004, Teo Zenios wrote:
> I never had too much of a problem setting machines up that I never touched
> before, most have allot in common. Google is a big time saver if you ever
> run into problems. If you start getting into the architecture find a decent
> forum that caters to those kind of machines. Having a manual is very
> helpful, and if you get frustrated put the thing down and go do something
> else for a while. I guess even Sellam is human like the rest of us and has
> bad days.
Not really a bad day, just that I wanted to throw these two systems
together in short order for the Computer History Museum event so I could
get in a few hours of work before I had to leave. Instead, the Amiga
debacle absorbed way more time than I wanted it to and I lost an afternoon
futzing around with stupid issues.
Oh well...
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger http://www.vintage.org
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Received on Fri Jun 11 2004 - 02:08:36 BST