On Jun 10, 20:38, SHAUN RIPLEY wrote:
> --- "Jerome H. Fine" <jhfinexgs2_at_compsys.to> wrote:
> > ...
> >
> > Note that none of the RQDXn have any BOOT ROMS,
> > which
> > is standard for a DEC controller as opposed to 3rd
> > party controllers
> > which usually have BOOT ROMS. And even the RQDX3
> I have a question about BOOT ROMS. Does a MSCP
> compatible disk controller need a boot rom to boot
> from a HD connected to it? I am ingorant about this
> issue.
Yes, it does. For Q-Bus machines, the processor card (if it's a
quad-height, ie KDF11B or KDJ11B) should have boot ROMs that can handle
MSCP, though the older ones might not behave well with bigger/later
drives. The MXV11B-2 boot ROMs can do it, and they also fit the
MRV11D. DEC boot ROMs may not always work with third-party MSCP
controllers, but such 3P controllers often have their own boot ROMs.
You could enter an MSCP boot via ODT, but it's VERY long!
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York
Received on Fri Jun 11 2004 - 02:32:21 BST