> ISTR that the TA90 was a re-badged IBM manufactured tape drive. The
> tapes were relatively low capacity, but high speed and had a built in
> tape changer.
My recollection agrees with yours. The TA90 was an IBM 3480
compatible drive (it may even have been a rebadged IBM tape drive).
There were also later vesions: TA91 and TA92, but I forget
the differences (basically just higher density I would guess).
The TKZ60/61/62/63/64 were various SCSI equivalents.
The TA9x ones were (IIRC) basically ready to hang of
an HSC. If all you want to do is read 3480/3490 tapes
then the appropriate TKZ6x is probably much easier
to keep fed and watered !
Antonio Carlini arcarlini_at_iee.org
Received on Sat Jun 12 2004 - 13:10:46 BST