On Wed, 16 Jun 2004, Jason McBrien wrote:
> OK, I was staring at the album cover while listening to Kraftwerk's
> Computerworld, and, while mostly thinking of nothing (best way to solve
> programming problems) I started wondering what exactly they were standing in
> front of. Anyone know what machine this is? It's tricky as it's just the
> doors. Assume Germany c. 1980.
Not a computer at all - it's an Old Skool mixing console - the
connectors are Tuchels which were the typical German and English
multi-pair audio connector used then... here in Amerikka, though, we
usuallyused Winchester/Edac units for this.
The give-away in the picture is the molded acoustic foam treatment on
the control room wall behind the Band.
> http://home.t-online.de/home/520078056126-0002/3cwpost2.jpg
Received on Wed Jun 16 2004 - 12:26:47 BST