From: Fred Cisin <cisin_at_xenosoft.com>
Date: Wed Jun 16 16:15:15 2004

> >Bill Gates had the opportunity to develop an operating system [MS-DOS]
On Tue, 15 Jun 2004, Roger Merchberger wrote:
> Erm, it's well known he *bought* that. He did *not* develop it.

definition of "develop"?
After MICROS~1 bought QDOS, there was a LOT of work that needed to be done
on it. I don't think that billg was an active participant in any of
the work on MS-DOS. What percentage of what should have been done did
they do?

> The last
> thing BG worked on himself was the OS for the Tandy Model 'T' (Kyocera
> OEMmed) series of laptops. And that was back when Micro$haft still knew how
> to make decent software, instead of buy crap & selling it to IBM.

Are you implying that the 1983? RS model 100 (and NEC 8201, etc) came
BEFORE the 8/11/1981 5150?

Grumpy Ol' Fred     		cisin_at_xenosoft.com
Received on Wed Jun 16 2004 - 16:15:15 BST

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