On Wed, 16 Jun 2004, William Donzelli wrote:
> > It's amazing that it's been 7 years. I can't believe how much time and
> > money I've wasted on this "hobby" ;)
> Don't forget wear and tear on the car, house, marriage, cat, job, bones,
> etc..
I can say that during the time I've been actively collecting I have
lost--with the exception of the house--one of each of those, though
not all as a consequence of the collecting. I can't really say I've lost
any bones. Surprisingly, throughout I've never had any serious or even
semi-serious injuries. Just your basic cuts, scratches and bruises.
Some losses were a blessing in disguise (guess which one? :) Some were
bitter-sweet. I most recently "lost" my psycho cat. She bit the
neighbor's baby. We had to quarantine her in the garage for 10 days. On
around the 9.5th day she managed to escape (don't worry, she was clean)
and (I assume) she decided she would rather take her chances elsewhere
than be cooped up in the garage anymore. Silly cat. I couldn't keep her
out before. This has nothing really to do with the collecting, but she
did use to sneak into the garage and sleep on top of boxes of old computer
documents and stuff and make a big cat-hair mess, which pissed me off to
no end.
Anyway, she was a pain in the ass, though I loved the little bitch. She
was around 10 years old but looked and behaved like she was 2. On the
bright side, now I can get a kitten again :)
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger http://www.vintage.org
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Received on Wed Jun 16 2004 - 20:42:33 BST