--- Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk_at_yahoo.co.uk>
> maintained by ROCC (implying that the company's
> still going somewhere).
Yes, the company is still around although in quite a
different form I believe from how it was in the 70s
and 80s. One of the last things I looked at before I
left was expansion into the Unix arena with yet more
OEM hardware, but I don't know what happened to that
particular line of development. Plexus hardware was
involved at one point, and we had an 11/750 tucked
away in a front office on which I gained my first Unix
The company went through a number of iterations - it
was originally Redifon Computers (related to the
Redifon you may have heard of in the communications
and flight/systems simulation) business. After an
aquisition by British Electric Traction (BET) we
traded as Rediffusion Computers, and finally ROCC
Last time I was in the UK I went back to Crawley to
see if the factory was still there but it had been
demolished and a new building stands in its place.
Quite regrettable really.
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Received on Thu Jun 17 2004 - 18:01:28 BST