On Thu, 17 Jun 2004, Jules Richardson wrote:
> On Thu, 2004-06-17 at 20:29, Joe R. wrote:
> > At 09:22 PM 6/16/04 +0100, you wrote:
> > >
> > >I've put off asking about this in view of the discussion about what's
> > >on/off topic, but I need some help from Those Who Know These Things.
> > >
> > >My specific requirement is to put together a PC to run 22DISK, my
> > >DOS-only PAL/PROM programmer software, and the like. It will run DOS
> > >6.22 in a FAT16 partition (and probably WinXP in another partition
> >
> >
> > In that case, you might want to give this a try.
> > <http://www.jasons-toolbox.com/Articles/BootItNG/>. He says that it's
> > pretty good. Let me know how it works for you.
> I don't recall Pete saying he needed to tweak an existing partition on a
> drive though - or is there some other justifcation for using that
> software?
> I've lost track of what the deal is with mixing DOS with modern versions
> of Windows. I'm sure the current versions a few years ago weren't too
> happy co-existing on the same drive (probably because both DOS and
> Windows of the time made assumptions about them being the sole OS on the
> drive. Windows certainly used to stomp all over the MBR which used to
> drive me nuts! :-)
> Currently I triple-boot the desktop PC between Linux, Windows 2k and DOS
> 6.22 - but I'm using SCSI disks, so Linux and Windows co-exist on the
> larger drive and DOS has a seperate drive all to itself. I just change
> the boot SCSI ID in the SCSI BIOS to boot from the DOS drive when I need
> to. Not sure if there's an equivalent if you're using IDE drives though.
> As an aside, I'm curious as to what (if any) equivalents to 22disk there
> are for Linux. Certainly it's probably a more viable platform if you
> want to have hardware fitted at strange addresses or outside the scope
> of the BIOS than DOS is.
> I have no idea what sort of control the kernel headers allow you over
> the floppy controller(s) though. Of course you probably have a good
> reason for using 22disk - either a) because it's there or b) because you
> have images in 22disk's format (which I believe is proprietary and
> undocumented, grr!) that you want to restore...
I believe that you are confusing the capabilities of 22Disk with
that of other software. The purpose of 22Disk is to permit
reading, writing, and formatting CP/M disks on a DOS system. It
does not create disk images nor read them.
It is possible to recreate a system disk provided that you have
the appropriate disk definition suitably modified, a binary file
of the boot tracks, and an archive of the contents of the disk.
It works, but is a bit laborious.
- don
> cheers
> Jules
Received on Thu Jun 17 2004 - 18:53:24 BST