OT: EBay UK search hanging

From: Ernest <ernestls_at_comcast.net>
Date: Thu Jun 17 16:00:48 2004

On Thu, 2004-06-17 at 11:07, Stan Barr wrote:
> Hi,
> Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk_at_yahoo.co.uk> said:
> >
> > Knowing that there's a few EBay users on the list who also know how to
> > fix modern software... :-)
> >
> > On the rare occasions that I do actually bother to search EBay for
> > anything classic computer related I quite often find that hitting the
> > search submit button just hangs, with the browser (Opera under Linux in
> > my case) sitting there saying "Waiting for DNS confirmation of cookie
> > domain(s)".
> [snip]
> > Presumably others might be able to shed some light on this, or at least
> > confim / deny that they've seen similar problems with EBay UK from
> > different platforms and browsers...
> I use Opera and Linux and I've not noted this particular problem.
> It does sometimes hang when fetching pics from thumbs.ebaystatic.com.
> Stopping the download displays the page minus the thumbnails, so all
> is not lost.
> No problems noted with iCab on MacOs 8.6.

Have you tried Konqueror, or Mozilla? Why do you use Opera?

I just loaded Suse 9.1, which uses KDE 3.2, and I am extremely pleased
with the whole distribution. I use Evolution 1.4 as my email client,
rather than KMail, and Open Office. This new Suse distro has everything
that I need now, except that I can't get my Linksys USB Wireless adapter
to work on it yet but that is the fault of Linksys rather than Suse
(it's a driver problem.)

Which GUI do you use? I tried Gnome but KDE is better in every way IMHO.

Received on Thu Jun 17 2004 - 16:00:48 BST

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