Modern Electronics (was Re: List charter mods & headcount... ; -))

From: Stan Barr <>
Date: Mon Jun 21 15:28:01 2004


Kevin Handy <> said:

> Geoffrey Thomas wrote:
> >>This is more of what I'm getting at. Does it matter that some knowledge
> >>is lost as generations go on? Are we ever going to need to go back to
> >>tubes to design electronic circuits?
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >There was an idea some time back that if we ever get to the moon that we
> >could be using "open-air" valves (tubes) in the vacuum there for high
> >powered devices - with the benefit that goes with the better radiation
> >resistance that goes with valve technology.It would be quite cool to watch a
> >tv picture on an open CRT methinks.But don't walk between the plates.
> >Keep those old Mullard/Thorn/EMI books - GE in the states?
> >
> >
> I think you would have problems with cross-talk between the
> open tubes, unless you limited your design to a single tube,
> or had large spaces between the tubes.

Not a problem, there are many tubes/valves with multiple electrode
assemblies, up to 4 tubes in one envelope in the 1930s.

Stan Barr
The future was never like this!
Received on Mon Jun 21 2004 - 15:28:01 BST

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