Modern Electronics (was Re: List charter mods & headcount... ;

From: Huw Davies <>
Date: Wed Jun 23 06:42:14 2004

On 23 Jun 2004, at 07:20, Fred Cisin wrote:

> I don't like to test memory.
> My tests are all open book - they don't need to write anything on their
> shirtsleeves.
> open notes - they don't need to write anything in the margins of the
> book.

Couldn't agree more. In "real life" you normally have access to
when doing things. Last year I did some HP examinations for ASE
qualifications for
OpenVMS. One of the questions required the SRM commands to set up hard
in a multi-CPU Alpha system - this had to be done from memory and
naturally I got this
wrong :-) Any engineer who sat down to do this on my Alpha box
without referring to the manual would more than likely be shown the
door - this isn't
something that you do frequently enough to do from memory and there are
other examples like this.
Huw Davies | e-mail:
Melbourne | "If soccer was meant to be played in the
Australia | air, the sky would be painted green"
Received on Wed Jun 23 2004 - 06:42:14 BST

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