I'm on this list for a while now, mostly passive as
This week I tried to get some of my older PET/CBM Cassettes
onto my PC. This Tapes are originally written with a Rom-
upgraded Pet 2001 (the model with cricklet-keys) around
1980. Everythings working so far, I have a digital image
now in case the tapes fail. But I really would like to
convert the (now wave)files to an emulator readable format.
I tried tapeload, tape64 and wavprg and had nearly no
success. Is someone out there with some more experience on
this? The Pet's datasette is a little buggy at the moment,
so I'd like a standard Audio Deck. Maybe It is an issue
that I only have a stereo deck? At
e/index.html are plenty of infos, but I have no Idea where
to start...
Wolfgang Eichberger
PS.: I'd really like to obtain a disk-drive for my Pets, in
case theres someone who has one for sale or so...
Received on Thu Jun 24 2004 - 06:41:44 BST