Dark grey - hardware passed
light grey - software passed.
Yellow is bad - 68000 CPU detected error
--- David Vohs <netsurfer_x1_at_fastmailbox.net> wrote:
> Well, thanks to everyone for their help on my A2000.
> Now that I've
> cleaned it out (you wouldn't believe how much dust
> there was inside!).
> It seems as though this machine is having some more
> problems. It now
> shows the self test screen colors in the following
> sequence: dark
> grey-light grey-yellow.
> Can somebody *please* help me out! I don't want to
> have to confine this
> machine to the trashpile!
> Also, if someone can direct me to a PDF version of
> the manual, I'd be
> very appreciative!
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Received on Sat Jun 26 2004 - 21:10:46 BST