I just found out about a new type of battery charger called the
BatteryMinder that will (it is claimed) rejuvenate Lead/Acid batteries
that are dead due to sulphating. A friend of mine used one on a battery
that had been totally discharged for too long, and was able to recover
it. He sent me a 12v one and I am looking around for some batteries to
try it out ... like a couple of dozen Sharp PC-5000 lead/acid batteries
:). If this works on *old* lead acid batteries, I will be one happy
camper :)!
If anyone is curious, their web site is at:
"Joe R." wrote:
> The batteries in the PP and PP+ are a pain. They're lead acid and they
> are individual cylinders. So if you let them run down for very long, it
> will ruin them and they're not an easy style to find. IIRC they're X size
> which is slightly larger than standard D size.
Received on Sun Jun 27 2004 - 15:17:23 BST