HP analyzer probes

From: Joe R. <rigdonj_at_cfl.rr.com>
Date: Mon Jun 28 14:41:39 2004

At 03:50 PM 6/28/04 +0100, you wrote:
>Hi all,
> My HP 1651B logic analyzer arrived this morning, sans probes. The seller
>says he "thought they were in the pouch on top, where the bootdisk is" and
>that he "didn't have any left in stock anyway".

   RUN, don't walk, back to that seller and DEMAND your money back! A set
of probes will cost more than a complete LA is worth. He's trying to screw
you big time!

>Rather typically, all that was in there was a single 40-pin woven cable (HP
>part number 01650-61607) and the bootdisk. Murphy's Law at work.
> So... Does anyone have spares of any of the following Hewlett-Packard or
>Agilent parts in their collection that they'd be willing to part with?
> 01650-61607 Woven cable, IDC40 to IDC40 (I need 1x of these)
> 01650-61608 Probe, IDC40 to flying-lead (I need 2x of these)
> NOTE: the probe module should also include grabber probes.

  Go look on E-bay at what the grabbers alone are bringing! If you start
trying to buy this piece by piece it will cost double what a complete LA
can be had for.


>There doesn't seem to be anything even remotely close to this on Ebay at the
>moment, well, at least there's nothing that's available to the UK. Plenty of
>probe kits available USA-only though...
>Phil. | Acorn Risc PC600 Mk3, SA202, 64MB, 6GB,
>philpem_at_dsl.pipex.com | ViewFinder, 10BaseT Ethernet, 2-slice,
>http://www.philpem.dsl.pipex.com/ | 48xCD, ARCINv6c IDE, SCSI
>... Memory is a thing we forget with.
Received on Mon Jun 28 2004 - 14:41:39 BST

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