At 08:23 AM 6/29/04 +0100, you wrote:
>In message <>
> Loboyko Steve <> wrote:
>> Bottom line: you need to get your dough back. Accept
>> no less.
>In my experience, I'll probably get negative feedback for requesting a full
>refund, but I guess it's worth a shot.
If he tries that then complain to E-bay. They can and will remove
negative feedback in cases like this. You might also file a complaint with
the postage authorities in your location and his. If he has a business you
can also file complaints with the Better Business Bureau (or the
equivilent) and law enforcement.
>Phil. | Acorn Risc PC600 Mk3, SA202, 64MB, 6GB,
> | ViewFinder, 10BaseT Ethernet, 2-slice,
> | 48xCD, ARCINv6c IDE, SCSI
>... VCR's are a way to defeat time.....
Received on Tue Jun 29 2004 - 11:26:10 BST