damn, wrong side of the pond. =/
would have been nice to get scsi boxes and cables. probably wouldn't work
on US power anyhow.
spiky thing sounds interesting too. maybe it was to keep physical hackers
away (instead of software hackers)? heh.
-John Boffemmyer IV
At 09:24 AM 6/30/2004, you wrote:
>I'm aware of the following up for disposal (I think they're off to
>landfill at the end of next week by the sounds of it) in Cambridge, if
>anyone's interested:
> 17 HP Xterminals
> 5 HP 700RX (Xterminals)
> 3 Vaxstation 3100
> 4 Large SCSI boxes
> 4 Medium SCSI boxes
> 6 BBC Bs
> 16 BBC type monitors
> 4 NCD Xterms
> 1 HP Entria Xterm
> 8 Dot matrix printers
> 1 DEC 3000
> 1 Sparc 4
> 1 Extremely spiky thing
> 1 Olivetti drive of some description
> 1 huge monitor box of cables
> Lots of random software
>I should be meeting with the chap tomorrow as I'm picking up some other
>stuff from him, so hopefully I can look over everything. I *may* grab
>the software and cable boxes just so I can take a proper inventory,
>although I have no desire to hang onto anything other than a SCSI cable
>or two.
>Note 1: this is the *UK* Cambridge (I always put that in the subject,
>and people always miss it :-)
>Note 2: various people know about this stuff, so it's a case of first
>come, first served. I can put you in touch with the chap if there is
>anything you want from the list.
>ps. I too am curious to know what the spiky thing is!
Founder, Lead Writer, Tech Analyst
and Web Designer Boff-Net Technologies
Received on Wed Jun 30 2004 - 09:36:07 BST