Ashley wrote...
> I've always run small scale web sites, FTP sites, etc., and never had
> any complaints. I've talked to the local folks at the cable company and
> they said it wasn't a problem to run small personal sites as long as I
> didn't suck up all the bandwidth. If I ever start getting lots of people
> hitting my servers, I can upgrade to business class for about $25 more
> per month and not get hollered at.
But the question is... what kind of connection is it and is it asymetric?
Most typical consumer grade connections are asymetric, meaning you typically
get around 128kbps outbound, but a much higher rate (768kbps or 1mbps)
inbound. This is GREAT for websurfing, downloading mp3's, etc. But if people
try to get files off your server and your outbound speed is 128kbps, they're
screwed for decent size documents. 128kbps is effectively two analog dialup
modems worth of bandwidth. Makes a 8mb pdf file painful. Now if you've got
over 1mbps outbound AND inbound, it shouldn't be too bad.
Jay West
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Received on Wed Jun 30 2004 - 13:00:00 BST