PC-Blue, PC-Sig, CUG and other Soft Collections

From: Joe R. <rigdonj_at_cfl.rr.com>
Date: Wed Mar 3 17:06:16 2004


   I have the 13th edition of the PC-SIG CD ROM. Does it have anything that
you're missing? I also have a new unopened copy one of the PC blue disks.
I'll try to find it and let you know what it is. I think I also have some
PC magazine disks.


At 08:46 PM 3/3/04 +0100, you wrote:
>I dedicated last days to search accross the Internet for the Pc-Blue,
>Pc-Sig, CUG, Exec-Pc , PcSoft, PcMagazine utilities, and other collections
>of software. My notices was about a growing difficult or even impossible
>obtention of some or even all of it. Well, I have some success in my search.
>By the moment I could locate these collections:
>* Pc-Blue almost complete, from vol001 to vol723. I should need to locate
>over 50 lost vols, mostly from the 500-723 group.
>* One cd-rom I've located talk about Pc-Red and Pc-Green. What the hell is
>this ?
>* I could obtain over 2000 vols. of the Pc-Sig collection, and I'm pending
>to purchase some cd-rom with parts of the collection availables in Europe
>yet. If I understand its way of work, one volume or disk could have diverse
>releases but keeping its physical identificacion (example: disk0001.zip). Is
>this right ?
>* I could locate too in some BBS and Planetmirror the first part of the CUG
>library, from volumes 100 to 500 or so.
>* About Exec-Pc, I only could have some success with some collections of
>games edited in form of magazine years ago. They are in some places related
>with games.
>* About the rest of Exec-Pc files I couldn't locate nothing with this name,
>even in the ExecPc BBS (by the way, I should like to know if the messages to
>the SySop arrives to him; I am pending to raise my level to begin to
>download some items, mostly of PC-SIG).
>* Finally, I couldn't locate nothin of PCSOFT items.
>I must review an old collection of over 150 Shareware CD's from the
>beginning/middle of the nineties. I'm almost sure they contains some of
>these collections and/or files. But all the help is welcome. My intention is
>classify all the files and store them in a manner similar to the old Simtel,
>Oak, Wuarchive or Cica servers did it.
>By the way, I think that someone asked for these items some time ago
>(Perhaps Gene for Retoroarchive...)
Received on Wed Mar 03 2004 - 17:06:16 GMT

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