On Sat, 13 Mar 2004, Lyos Norezel wrote:
> h.)... beginning to get the idea? I could list the obstacles all damn
> day and still not finish
No, not at all. I don't see any "obstacles", only whining and
inconsequential blathering.
> So please... try not to criticize what you don't understand... me
> parents and I have been fighting too many times to count... all of them
> about these issues... particuarly about Winblows and AOL. Gimme a break
> alright? I'm trying... it's not as easy as one would like to believe.
>From the moment you started participating in this group you've bandied
about ridiculous theories about electricity and your questions have
generally been answerable with just the minimum of Googling (and before
you protest you CAN get to Google from AOL, I've done it). When you try
to get help for your problems, you seem to go out of your way to make it
The problem doesn't seem to be AOL or your parents or Windows or whatever.
It's you. Do some basic research and install some decent tools (of which
there are many free ones available). Hide them from your parents if need
be. If you insist your parents are in the way then get a job and move
out or order your own phone line.
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Received on Sun Mar 14 2004 - 02:45:39 GMT