Round Tuits are in short supply around here. However my wife
(after *two years* of patiently waiting) finally started shopping for
printers, motivating me (it's not the money, it's the pride) to
finish the repair I'd started on the Apple Stylewriter I was whining
about on the list in January 2002.
Success! I dug out the packet of 2SB1243 transistors (thanks
Pete Turnbull for specs and identification) that arrived in the mail
a few days after motivation disappeared in 2002, tested them to make
sure the Base was the same place on the new package style (not the
same beveled edge square package as the originals) as it was on the
old package style (thanks Tony D. for telling how to test with analog
VOM), and soldered them in. Put everything back together (thanks
JPero, Toth, and Matt for help there and suggestions on other things
to check) and plugged in the new (replaces the one I fried while
testing - thanks Saint Don Maslin) power supply. No response. Changed
to the other Stylewriter (won't print, but powers up) that I got from
Electronics Plus (thanks Cindy Croxton). Powered up, didn't print.
Changed back. The original one powered up and printed! The power
supply connector is grungy, need to clean it, but otherwise the unit
appears functional! That implies that the power transistor was indeed
the problem all along.
Main point of this message is to offer sincere gratitude to
all the folks that helped me along the way!
Secondarily, if anyone has the same fault (missing line of
dots in the printed output from a Stylewriter), I'll be happy to pass
along my experience, FWIW.
Tertiarily, I'm angling for the honor of the longest
(chronologically) continued thread on the list ;-).
- Mark
210-522-6025, page 888-733-0967
Received on Thu Mar 25 2004 - 10:00:41 GMT