> > Hi Fred, Eric,
> > The DEC version of the CM10x (which I don't have) had a
> > customized frontpanel, but from what you say it may have been
> > internally the same...?
> > I have a CM100 and a DEC M7552-PA KRQ50 controller,
> > which is supposedly RRD50 compatible.
> > Sounds like I can connect them up?
> I would think it would work, but I can offer no guarantees.
I'm not 100% certain but I'm 99% certain that the RRD40 and
RRD50 have the same (LMSI??) interface. The KRQ50 will work
with either. I had an RRD50 in my cube for quite a while
and a KRQ50 to go with it but no interface cable. Pity.
The RRD50 had the distinction of being about the only
CDROM drive in the whole history of humanity that could
rival an RRD40 for slowness. (OK, I almost certainly
exaggerate, but probably not by much, and it would have
been fun to see).
Antonio Carlini arcarlini_at_iee.org
Received on Fri Mar 26 2004 - 16:34:31 GMT