On Fri, 30 Apr 2004 07:11:57 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
Steve Thatcher <melamy_at_earthlink.net> wrote:
> I worked with many systems back in the middle to late 80s when the 386 was in vogue. I don't recall any of them using an older 287 math coprocessor though. Here is a link to a page full of mbs and DTK did indeed make a discrete chip 386 motherboard back then. The co-processor was a 387 though.
> http://www.redhill.net.au/b-92.html
> best regards, Steve Thatcher
I have a 386 motherboard of that vintage, a DTK board. It's a 'full AT' footprint motherboard, and has a socketed 80387 installed, but also has an unpopulated 40 pin DIP socket. My friend had a 386 motherboard in use back in that timeframe that he ran an 80287 in.
I just took a number of digital photographs of the board I have and have thrown them up on some webspace I have:
The board I have, which is one I got in a box lot at the auction of a defunct Indianapolis computer store, is a DTK Fast ET 20 (according to the board's markings). It is all discrete logic and Intel 82xx series parts, with one row of MMI gate arrays. See the photos for more details.
It also has one of those proprietary daughter boards to allow it to be populated with more than the 4 megs of RAM the sockets allow for.
I haven't ever powered it up but maybe I should hunt for a full-AT case and give it a try sometime.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: SHAUN RIPLEY <vax3900_at_yahoo.com>
> Sent: Apr 30, 2004 6:15 AM
> To: cctalk_at_classiccmp.org
> Subject: 386 motherboard with discrete logic chips only?
> I talked with my friend the other day and he claimed
> that 386 motherboards all used this or that chip sets;
> But I vaguely remember I might once have such a 386.
> It had a 287 math coprocessor and some memory chips on
> board. What I can remember is that it had many logic
> chips on board but I can't recall whether it had chip
> sets or not. Unluckly I dumped it years ago... Could
> somebody give me an answer?
> vax, 3900
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Received on Sat May 01 2004 - 07:21:19 BST