HP 85-86 roms

From: Vassilis Prevelakis <vp_at_cs.drexel.edu>
Date: Fri May 7 20:56:29 2004

Olivier De Smet <desmet_at_cnam.fr> wrote:
> I was wondering if it's possible to use rom dump as binary program
> (loaded with loadbin), perhaps with some "relocations" ?
Unfortunately this is not possible, unless you can disassemble the ROM
and then reassemble the code with the desired "relocation" address
(ORG). This is also the reason why HP-86/87 binary programs are
incompatible with HP-83/85 machines and vice versa.

A better bet is to try to find a programmable ROM drawer on eBay etc.

Check also www.series80.org for other info on HP 85-86.

Best Regards

Received on Fri May 07 2004 - 20:56:29 BST

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