PDP-11 RESCUE needed in northern California (Castro Valley)

From: Fred N. van Kempen <waltje_at_pdp11.nl>
Date: Tue May 11 06:28:53 2004

On Sun, 9 May 2004, Fred Cisin wrote:

> him office/storage space (contractually obligated, but amount not
> specified), but reneged. He had once planned to do something with
> the machines, but got overwhelmed with other problems, including
> rapidly decreasing storage space.
Yes, he stored them there with the "OK, I'll move these later this
week" thought, then got other things to do, then it became winter,
and after that, it no longer mattered, so he forgot, sorta.

> BTW, although I was the one who passed on the offer to the list,
> it was the OTHER Fred who participated in the rescue.
Me! Me! Me :)

Received on Tue May 11 2004 - 06:28:53 BST

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