Z8000 parts question

From: J. David Bryan <jdbryan_at_acm.org>
Date: Thu May 13 13:04:17 2004

On 12 May 2004 at 18:25, Joe R. wrote:

> I'd just like to get a quick overview to begin with but if you don't
> mind scanning the whole thing I can post if on my website or I'm sure
> that Al would post it on his.

I'll see how much I can get accomplished this weekend and will post the
URLs back here.

One question (also mentioned in another post): I assumed that these were
Zilog parts, but I can't tell from the picture you posted. Is the
manufacturer apparent from the chips?

> Thanks,

You're welcome.

                                      -- Dave
Received on Thu May 13 2004 - 13:04:17 BST

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