DEC RK07 drive interface specs wanted

From: Jochen Kunz <>
Date: Sun May 16 04:11:06 2004

On Sun, 16 May 2004 00:20:06 +0100 (BST) (Tony Duell) wrote:

[FPGA work]
> I have bitter memories of compiles that took all night, and which had
> totally mangled my circuit so I then had to spend a day or so sorting
> out the mess. And then repeating when I needed to make some small
> change. No thanks...
I have to admit that I never worked with FPGAs. I work for a company
that is producing an embedded product that is based on a StrongARM and
has also a FPGA inside. I can't remember that one of our hardware
developers ever complained that hard about the FPGA programming
software. But maybe the tools they use are very different from yours.
AFAIK they use some shematic capturing to design the FPGA, no VHDL or
the like.
Received on Sun May 16 2004 - 04:11:06 BST

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